To blog or not to blog?

 It is a new year, and many resolutions are being promised worldwide. I made mine as well. Or let me say I decided to change from resolutions to intentions. I will not force myself to get anything done; however, I will encourage myself and allow space for getting bored and changing my mind.

Talking about my mind, the last few years have seen me in a place no writer would love to be. Before 2020, I could write six to ten articles in a month.

I was always excited about writing. I also have something to write about, and even better, because I am quite opinionated, and writing allows me to share my thoughts about current affairs.

Then something happened just as the pandemic started; I went into writer’s block. I was working on an article, and suddenly, I read a comment about an article I wrote and the person insinuated that the quality of my writing had gone down.

At that moment, self-doubt stepped in, and I lost my confidence. I have written for platforms like the Guardians, Washington Post, and Project Syndicate and have more than five of my articles translated into many different languages.

At that moment, I lost my thought and never summoned enough courage to write again.

I accepted what I have always thought of myself: I was never a great writer and will never be.

However, on the night of the 31st, while I was shouting and screaming “happy new year” at the top of my voice, I also promised myself something to write again, even if it would not be up to anyone’s standards.

I want to write again. I want to make my blog and medium a safe space to speak up on issues that matter to me.

So then, this begs the question, to blog or not blog again?

I am guessing that by now, you know the answer. 

I don’t think it will be easy, but I can at least encourage myself to write again.

Imposter syndrome has taken a stronghold of me, and it has defined me in most areas of my life, and this year, I am setting an intention not to fight it, but understand it, work with it and empower myself to see my own strengths. As Whitney Huston said, “I didn’t know my own strengths.” 

Welcome to 2023, and welcome to my blog, my voice and my empowerment.